January 29, 2017

Skill Sunday: Using an Arduino as a Programmer

One of the relatively unknown capabilities of Arduino-compatible boards is that they can be used as an external programmer. This means that you can use your Freetronics Eleven, EtherTen or other Arduino-compatible board to upload a sketch, or reflash the boot loader on another Arduino board. We have put together a comprehensive tutorial describing how this can be done, check it out at the following link.  

Arduino as a programmer

One of our Arduino-compatible boards is the EtherMega. Apart from being completely Arduino Mega2560-compatible, it includes a full Ethernet interface, a microSD card socket, full USB interface, optional Power-over-Ethernet support and still has a circuit prototyping area with extra I2C interface pins. So if your project is breaking the limits, upgrade to the EtherMega today.


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