Whether you are looking for a guide of where to point your telescope or just have a fascination for our solar system, this project is definitely for you. Shubham Paul has put together a great realtime planet tracking system. Although the hardware on this project is fairly simple consisting of an Arduino, GPS module and servo, the algorithms that calculate the approximation of a planet's position using Kepler's laws are particularly impressive. To find out more about how you can build your own real time planet tracker checkout the following link.
The EtherMega is a great “fully-loaded” Arduino-compatible board. Apart from being completely Arduino Mega2560-compatible, it includes a full Ethernet interface, a microSD card socket, full USB interface, optional Power-over-Ethernet support and still has a circuit prototyping area with extra I2C interface pins. So if your project is breaking the limits, upgrade to the EtherMega today.