August 19, 2016

DIY 3D Printer

Have you ever wished that you had your own 3D printer? Are you finding the cost of purchasing your own 3D printer prohibitive? With this fantastic instructable from AlmusYang you can build your own 3D printer from scratch! Not only will you learn a lot about how 3D printing works, but you will be able to quickly build models or prototypes right from the comfort of your own home.  

3D printer

If you still weren’t convinced, an Arduino provides the brains for this 3D printer meaning that the project is very easily modified and adapted to your own purposes. This project is very well documented with full laser cutting templates and code samples provided. If the idea of building your own 3D printer is sparking your interest you can check out the full instructions at the following link.

Typically, a key component of a 3D printer are the stepper motors that control the precise printing movement. Our own StepDuino board is a perfect board to use as part of your 3D printer controller.


The StepDuino is a complete, self-contained Arduino-compatible board with 2 onboard stepper motor drivers, 2 servo outputs, a 20x4 LCD, a micro SD card slot, and more! It's a fantastic general purpose board for any project that uses stepper motors. You can use it as the brain of your next robotics project!

The StepDuino uses the same processor architecture as the common Arduino Uno, so you can program it right from the Arduino IDE simply by selecting "Arduino Uno" as the board type. Everything simply works out of the box, just as it would with a regular Arduino - but now you can also drive steppers directly and display feedback on the huge LCD. For more information, tutorials and to order - visit the StepDuino page.

Planning on making your own 3D printer? Let us know in the comments section below or on Facebook and Twitter.

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