August 14, 2012

Computer-controlled electric wheelchair

Software programmer and technology enthusiast Nick Fryer has updated us with his progress towards making a computer-controlled wheelchair. In this update he has completed the Java software running on a PC which will control the chair, and also the wireless Arduino-controlled  circuitry that interfaces with the chair's joystick controller. The project is a success and an interesting version of large scale computer-controlled robotics. 

This is a pretty cool project, in that Nick has succeeded in interfacing a computer and Arduino board with something that was most definitely not designed to be hacked into. Click here to visit his project blog for more information. Kudos to Nick and we look forward to his updates. And we're on twitter and Google+, so follow us for news and product updates as well.

In his project Nick used an Arduino Mega-style board, and if you're needing one we have the most feature-packed Arduino Mega 2560-compatible board on the market. Quite simply the EtherMega is the fully-loaded Arduino-compatible board on the market today. Apart from being completely Arduino Mega2560-compatible, it includes full Ethernet interface, a microSD card socket, full USB interface, optional Power-over-Ethernet support and still has a circuit prototyping area with extra I2C interface pins. So if your project is breaking the limits, upgrade to the EtherMega today.

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