Stanley from Arduinodev has created an online Arduino sketch compiler that converts a sketch into a HEX file ready to be burnt into an AVR chip. It is a simple web-based form that accepts the sketch on the left-hand side, and outputs the burn data on the right. For example:
From their site:
I’ve built up an online service for building an Arduino sketch into a ready-to-burn HEX file. The browser submit the sketch to server with a HTTP POST request. The sketch is then compiled and linked against Arduino core and library files with AVR GCC on the server side. The built HEX file is sent back to the browser as HTTP response. If ordinary FORM POST is used, this will perform like downloading a HEX file.
As the service is new and still at an early stage it can only deal with the standard libraries included with the Arduino IDE. From a hardware perspective it does compile for a range of Arduino boards including the Uno, Duemilanove, Mega, Mini and Nano - which include our Freetronics Eleven:
In the meanwhile, you can try out the service by visiting their website here.