Although there are many Arduino-based projects that involve creating morse code and beaming it out using various means, we haven't seen to many projects that can interpret the code and convert it back into English - until now. Thanks to Dan Royer a method has been documented based around an Arduino and a sound sensor module.
The hardware is very simple, however creating an appropriate sketch takes some consideration of the volumen and length of the sound being detected. Dan steps through this process with several demonstrations that lead to a final sketch which combines the knowledge into a working project. A demonstration of this is shown in the following video:
That's pretty awesome, and you can learn more from Dan's interesting website. And for more, we're on facebook, Google+, and twitter - so follow us for news and product updates as well.
If you're interested in experimenting with sound and your Arduino or other development board, our Freetronics MIC: microphone and sound module is perfect.
The MIC: contains an integrated dual signal amplifier converts the sound to separate channels for pulse / frequency measurement, and sound volume (pressure) level. Designed to connect straight to an Arduino compatible microcontroller, Analog to Digital converter, or many other circuits. For more information and to order click here.